Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Stem Cell in the Philippines Essay Example for Free
Undifferentiated organism in the Philippines Essay As time passes by, there is by all accounts a slow impact of present day reasonableness in transit people see the idea of wellbeing. Truth be told, these days, there is by all accounts an obscuring of the line among wellbeing and health. Along these lines, it is unavoidable that in an advanced society, individuals are presently being progressively cognizant with their body and their wellbeing is currently being a troubling for them. Subsequently, science, particularly the field of medication and wellbeing sciences, has saturated mainstream society it could be said that individuals have just regarded wellbeing as a â€Å"religion†. An ideal case of this wonder is the rising ubiquity of undifferentiated organism innovation since it has just become a transnational movement and issue. In light of this technology’s transnational impact, governments around the globe have been steady of it. What's more, presently, this transnational action has entered the Philippine human services and clinical talk, and issues in its financing are emerging. In spite of the fact that undifferentiated cell innovation is a moderately new and promising innovation which will help address wellbeing worries in the nation, the bureaucratic subsidizing of this innovation may be a weight for the administration for it's anything but a need, has flawed advantages, and is illogical and not practicable. This paper, at that point, looks to decide the birthplace of how the idea of undifferentiated cell entered the Philippine wellbeing and clinical talk just as issues with respect to the government financing of foundational microorganism examination and innovation in the nation. Moreover, the author needs to express that despite the fact that this paper is contending that the legislature ought not finance foundational microorganism research in the nation, this paper isn't attempting to contend on the need, beneficiality, reasonableness, and practicability of undifferentiated cell examination and innovation as a rule, or should it be actualized in the nation without government subsidizing. Additionally, albeit a few issues of bioethics will be handled in this paper, the essayist doesn't expect to side on specific convictions of some culture or religion. The conversation on the moral issues partnered with the government financing of undeveloped cell exploration and innovation are totally made on a social, political, and monetary premise. In any case, before the paper starts on enrolling the contentions against the government financing of undeveloped cell exploration and innovation in the nation, it will initially give a foundation of how it went to the Philippine setting. Beginning now based on what was expressed in the presentation, that cutting edge reasonableness has steadily affected people’s view of the idea of wellbeing, it is imperative to take note of that with current innovation it has given a road to clinical exploration to constantly reveal new realities and rules that expand after existing information to alter the manner in which we consider natural procedures (Trounson xix). Corresponding to this, all through the time of clinical exploration, it tends to be deduced that the motivation behind why there is a nonstop action with respect to clinical examination is on the grounds that there is a developing enthusiasm among researchers in the disclosure of new and progressive techniques for rewarding certain diseases that are hard to be treated in the current like malignant growth, diabetes, and other degenerative ailments. The facts confirm that after the nineteenth century, it was believed that â€Å"germs†are the primary driver of death among Americans as far as wellbeing related passings. Be that as it may, with the introduction of the twentieth century and the blasting twenties, there has been a change in perspective in attempting to discover the reasons for wellbeing related losses. It was accepted then that as ages come, individuals will be more cognizant to degenerative sicknesses than that of irresistible infections. From that point forward, there have been numerous examinations that attempt to offer fix to these degenerative ailments like disease, diabetes, and so forth. Also, indeed, there have been effective revelations, and there are a few disappointments or â€Å"still ongoing†examines like the endeavor to discover the solution for diabetes. These at that point, can be the basis behind the unending series of studies in the field of medication and wellbeing sciences. In any case, it is additionally without question that the motivation behind why researchers are so intrigued with clinical exploration is that, in a social setting, the field of medication and wellbeing sciences attempts to give appropriate answers for the people’s needs, needs, and interests in having a solid way of life, being protected from infections, and in having a lovely and sound body. It is charming, however, to realize that clinical examination is likewise being impacted by the enthusiasm of the individuals, of the mass to be progressively explicit. From this, we would then be able to expect that wellbeing has been promoted as of now. Truth be told, after the primary portion of the twentieth century, in the last period of the advocacy of wellbeing, masses of Americans took an uncommon enthusiasm for wellbeing as appeared in their eagerness on going through significantly expanded measures of cash for their wellbeing, on clinical consideration as well as exercise center and comparative gathering participations and gear too to have the option to have a solid way of life, along these lines obscuring the line among wellbeing and health (Burnham 67). It is then without question, as per Trounson that â€Å"in the historical backdrop of science, certain disclosures have undoubtedly changed our reasoning and made open doors for significant headway, thus it is with the revelation of undifferentiated cell technology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (xix). Undoubtedly, if there is to be a case of how the field of wellbeing and restorative sciences became promoted, it is the ascent of the undifferentiated cell. It was November of the year 1998 that undifferentiated cell went to the location of wellbeing in mainstream society. There were independent declarations in this time by two gatherings of clinical specialists, lead by James A. Thomson of the University of Wisconsin and John Gearhart of the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, about the disconnection of the human undifferentiated organism. That’s why as of late there has been an expanded enthusiasm among experts and general society for the immature microorganism innovation other than any fields in science. Be that as it may, for what reason is there such an enthusiasm for undeveloped cell? The capacity of the undeveloped cell to give a top to bottom comprehension of the science of the cell and its promising capacities in the field of medication are the reasons why immature microorganism is the thing that getting the creative mind of the researchers. They are keen on the undifferentiated organism due to its property of self-restoration (the capacity to deliver cells indistinguishable from the mother cell) and the capacity to make separated cells (girl cells that have restricted and centered potential) (Melton and Cowen xxiii). It is a generally new and promising innovation that can prompt the solution for diabetes and further developed treatment of malignant growth and other degenerative sicknesses. Besides, there is a likelihood that through regenerative medication that utilizes foundational microorganism, malignant growth and coronary illness would now be able to be relieved. Yet, what makes immature microorganism innovation a buzz among the general population is on the grounds that it has been a hit in the field of cosmetology for foundational microorganism innovation can forestall body maturing. Likewise, through the advocacy of the immature microorganism, there have been sure speculations that undifferentiated cell innovation can delay someone’s life range analyzes to the normal human life expectancy. In light of the promotion of undifferentiated organism, it is without question that it will end up being a worldwide issue. Its effect has made transnational impact as of now. It is on the grounds that by and by, science is a transnational movement †the work and examination of researchers have no national limit (Savulescu and Saunders c3). In any case, the guideline of science is as yet being set under national locale. Usually there are various laws and moral principles in every nation, and obviously, transnational examinations in science are being influenced. This infers there are â€Å"some crucial social, social, [political], and monetary powers that drives discussion and strife, in the United States, yet in Europe and elsewhere†(Green 265). Because of this, there have been proposals from various gatherings from established researchers gaining practical experience in immature microorganism exploration and innovation that there ought to be a guideline of foundational microorganism research in various nations in light of the capability of this innovation particularly if the organizations will give significance for the governmental issues of general wellbeing (Savulescu and Saunders c3). Later on, on account of this transnational impact, there has been an immovable help from governments everywhere throughout the world for undifferentiated cell innovation and in the exertion of making immature microorganism exploration and innovation a transnational movement, likewise because of the transnational coordinated effort of researchers from various nations to bestow among themselves information about undeveloped cell innovation. One of these nations is the United States which spearheaded research in this field, where current clinical procedures were created utilizing this innovation. Truth be told, foundational microorganism research has a long history as of now in the US. There have been discusses in regards to the moral issues related with undifferentiated cell innovation, explicitly the utilization of human early stage foundational microorganisms, and issues in regards to the government financing of immature microorganism exploration and innovation. Just last 2009, US President Barack Obama endorsed the bill altering the government financing of undifferentiated cell exploration and innovation in the US. It is additionally imperative to take note of that different nations in Asia and other underdeveloped nations have been impacted by this transnational action. In 2004, three private undeveloped cell banks were set up in South Africa. Despite the fact that, these banks were private, the administration has demonstrated premium and backing for these private examination substances and undifferentiated organism research too on account of the Human Tissue Act that permits the utilization of human incipient organisms that are not over 14 days old in their exploration ventures. Last March 2012, a gathering of researchers from the Cou
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Branding britian Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marking britian - Research Paper Example The IMC measurements in the video advert on Great Britain incorporate the voice, the associations just as the rewarding idea of the drawn out connections shaped. Likewise included is the investigation of the feature utilizing the IMC Development hypothetical model. This includes taking a gander at the direction of the brand, the advancement, the final products of the brand, just as the monetary final products (Moriarty, 2012). For example, our report discusses the hints of Britain that have been known to characterize the travel industry part significantly. Such incorporate the ticking of the clock, the blending of tea and espresso, the death of trains and vehicles, ringing of chimes and cheering of games by fans. Utilizing one voice implies uniting the advertising destinations with just the expectation of coordinating the crowd towards the target of the advancement. As per (Moriarty, 2012), having one voice is extremely essential, and it implies that the correspondence instruments utilized have had the option to pass on clear plans to its crowd. The composed writings showed match with the photos gave. The illustrations, for example, toward the start of the video whereby there is a showcase of the Great Britain air terminals with guests checking in offsets with the synchronous composed message about the expansion in guest spending. This is seen during the initial 20 seconds into the video, wherein there is a portrayal of an account of a kid who went to a faraway spot, yet there is no connection given among this and the general advertising objective. This is the equivalent for the notice of the land wanderer protector, most of the way into the video without notice of its importance. Then again, having the meetings towards the finish of the video has effectively abstained from over-burdening the crowd with data. Intuitiveness improves correspondence as a component of promoting by making it workable for the crowd
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Study Abroad - A Students Perspective - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Study Abroad - A Students Perspective - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Study Abroad A Students Perspective Last spring Chase Staub, a senior intern in our office, participated in one of the many Study Abroad programs UGA has to offer. Read below to learn about his experience: This past May, I had the opportunity to go on one of UGA’s Study Abroad programs to Croatia. I traveled to this small, transitional country in Eastern Europe to study global public health and heritage conservation. I am preparing for a career in the health sciences, so this trip was an excellent opportunity to explore my field in depth. I not only gained a richer understanding of the topic, I was also able to gain experience in different health professions to help decide my future career path. We traveled the country tackling challenging health concerns for various areas, such as national parks, tourist destinations, islands, and remote areas. This allowed me to experience the entirety of Croatia while also gaining valuable information about each location. For example, I learned about public safety issues while touring one of the world’s most beautiful natural parks, Plitvice Lakes. I also learned about the concept of identity conservation while visiting cities impacted by war and talking to the survivors of their history’s great battles. Every day was a new area with new topics, such as going to the US Embassy, health institutes, hospitals, government agencies, and world heritage sites. The creative and innovative approaches to education were endless. Studying abroad is one of the best experiences you can have during your time in college. Students can take the knowledge they learned in the classroom and apply it literally around the world. Education comes to life during these trips, because students are not reading a textbook or listening to a lecture, but they are traveling directly to the sites and hearing first hand from the primary sources. Students have the chance to work with top professionals from many different fields of study, such as government employees, researchers, field specialists, and educators, providing multiple perspectives on a topic and a holistic understanding. All the while, students are submerged into a different culture, being exposed to the region’s language(s), history, heritage, food, songs and traditions. The personal enrichment I gained by being immersed in a different cultures was invaluable. Countries around the world are becoming increasingly interdependent. Our globe is shrinking and populations are growing. UGA has seen the importance of preparing students to enter this global community and now has study abroad programs traveling to over 100 countries and on all 7 continents. The skills and experiences one gains abroad are among the most beneficial for a student’s chosen career and academic endeavors. But one of the greatest challenges facing students entering college is choosing their pathâ€"what to study and what career they would enjoy. Studying abroad is a great immersion option for trying out majors and career options first hand. Many students return with confirmation for their interests in a career or discover a passion for a new field. To learn more about Study Abroad opportunities available at The University of Georgia, visit the Office of International Education online here. Go Dawgs!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Dbq for American Imperialism - 3893 Words
The period 1875-1920 has been described by some historians as a period of â€Å"selflessness†during which the United States helped weaker nations from dominant European powers and spread the â€Å"blessings of democracy and civilization.†Others have described the â€Å"New Manifest Destiny†as a time of â€Å"ruthless American expansion†at the cost of weaker nations and in violation of our own principles of consent of the governed and popular sovereignty. Using the documents, and your knowledge, how would you characterize this period of â€Å"Becoming a World Power†? Document A Document B â€Å"The title to territory of indefinite but confessedly very large extent is in dispute between Great Britain and the Republic of Venezuela. . . . Venezuela†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless the replies at this time of the Madrid government to President McKinley s demands concerning the pacification of Cuba, notwithstanding the Spanish offer to arbitrate the Maine trouble, led the authorities at Washington to believe that pacification could not be attained without the armed intervention of the United States. The President s message to Congress . . . . stated the entire issue, rightly considering the Maine disaster a subordinate matter, stated that the only hope of relief and repose from a condition which can no longer be endured is the enforced pacification of Cuba. In the name of humanity, in the name of civilization, in behalf of endangered American interests, which give us the right and the duty to speak and act, the war in Cuba must stop.†â€Å"Outbreak Of T he War With Spain†, America, Vol.10, Pg.120. Document G â€Å"For more than a year the exact whereabouts of the elusive chieftain of the insurgent Filipinos had been a mystery. Rumor located Aguinaldo in all sorts of impossible places. Running up the bank toward the house, we were met by Segovia, who came running out, his face aglow with exultation, and hisShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Effects of Imperialism1278 Words  | 6 PagesNAME DATE PERIOD ESSAY DBQ: Effects of Imperialism AP WORLD HISTORY Document-Based Question: Effects of Imperialism Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Documents 1- 13 (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise.) This question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents. Write an essay that: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents. Uses all or all butRead MoreImperialism DBQ Essay examples636 Words  | 3 PagesA.P. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The War Of The Vietnam War - 1575 Words
The Vietnam War was the war known as the Second Indochina War,began in 1954 and ended in 1975. It is the longest misunderstood conflict in the United States.The Vietnam War remains to us to be one of the most memorable and enduring conflicts in history in which the U.S. involvement has played a huge role. This war was one of the important events for Americans. It got influences to the United States because many citizens drafted the army and they died. Vietnam war was between the North Vietnam and South Vietnam.The communist supported the Democratic Republic and the United States supported the Republic of Vietnam,which were due to be reunified after a national election was held. The Soviet Union neither the U.S could risk an in the war fight to each other. However, they had someone to protect them. In Vietnam, the Americans fought, as a result happened in the Cold War, the USSR could not make it. However, to support the Communist cause, the Soviet Union armed its follow Communist, wh o would surround the North Vietnamese. Looking back to the past, the Vietnam got freedom- the liberation of Saigon was a huge pain for the Americans. On 30, March 2015 was the day to celebrate 40 years of liberation of the South, uniting the country of Vietnam, but also the day when America celebrated 40 years of failure and it was the most painful in the U.S. history. In this situation, the conflict has taken in some places in the world, the Vietnam war still forever be a bloody experience.Show MoreRelatedThe War Of Vietnam And The Vietnam War1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe war in Vietnam is The United States and other capitalist bloc countries supported South Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) against the support by the Soviet Union and other socialist bloc countries of North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and the Vietcong of war. Which occurred during the Cold War of Vietnam (main battlefield), Laos, and Cambodia. This is the biggest and longtime war in American history during the 1960s (Best 2008). It is also the most significant war after World War IIRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1475 Words  | 6 Pageson one such event, the Vietnam War, came from entertainment-based programs and the play Miss Saigon. Despite heavy coverage in such well-known comedic films as Forrest Gump and Good Morning Vietnam, the true events were anything but a laugh for those involved. In spite of the relative recentness of the events in Vietnam, many of today’s youths know little about the topic. The events in Vietnam raise the ever-present question on the ethics of third party involvement in a war otherwise unrelated toRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1729 Words  | 7 Pagesspread of communism all around the world. This is what lead to the gruesome war that lasted over a decade in Vietnam. A great deal of social changed happened all over the world, but particularly in America as the Vietnam War dragged on. As people became more aware of the atrocities going on in Southeast Asia, the endless do mestic support turned into widespread explosive protest. During the first few years of the Vietnam conflict, Americans full heartedly supported the United States and its governmentRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1379 Words  | 6 Pagestensions over the Vietnam war caused many americans to become divided on the actions taken by the government across seas. Americans questioned whether the government could be trusted. The feeling of betrayal and government secrecy created the â€Å"Credibility Gap,†in which many americans believed that the government no longer was for the people, but for anything else that would benefit the government. The Vietnam War exacerbated the gap between the pro-war traditionalists and anti-war liberals along withRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1430 Words  | 6 Pagesended in 1989, the Vietnam war is still being fought, but on a different battlefield, one of public opinion. Some call this war an atrocity, a war the United States should never have joined. Others call it a crime, committed by the power hungry politicians of the U.S. Now that new information from both sides of the war has surfaced and the wounds of battle have had more time to heal there is yet another opinion emerging. The Vietnam War was in fact only one of many proxy wars fought under the umbrellaRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1155 Words  | 5 PagesThe Vietnam War cost many Americans their lives in the 60s and 70s. Many were drafted into the war by choice and others selectively chosen to join to help America. The contributions made had a major impact on the American side of the Vietnam War. Though many contributions were made none stand out any more than others. It is sometimes said there is always a hero in the war who helped the victory. Wars, however, do not have war heroes because a hero is making an undeniable contribution to the war andRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1592 Words  | 7 PagesThe Vietnam War was said to be one of the most significant wars in the twentieth century. This w ar took place from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975. It was at the time, the longest war in American history. Much of the conflict was centered in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. During that time, approximately 58,219 US troops were killed in action. The reason America got involved in the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism in South East Asia and beyond. â€Å"America’s involvement in Vietnam derivedRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1204 Words  | 5 Pagesus†¦ When that is the way you are, how do you conduct your life?†The Vietnam War killed over fifty eight thousand Americans and over 61% of the men killed were 21 years or younger. Most Americans are conflicted with the fact whether the Anti War Movement played a factor in prolonging the Vietnamese War. â€Å"In every story there are two sides and in between lies the truth.†Anonymous The United States become involved in Vietnam after the French withdrew when the Republican President Dwight EisenhowerRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War877 Words  | 4 PagesAnother big difference in this war was that the Vietnam War was had more disapproval and was more expressive within the American public, unlike the Korean War. The ANITWAR MOVEMENT started in the 1960s this group was never enacted until this era. There was not a group like this in Vietnam, but there were many groups that opposed the war. The main object of these revolts was the American military presence in Indochina. The ANITWAR MOVEMENT caused an influence not only socially, but also in the realmRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1421 Words  | 6 PagesIn July and August of 1972, Jane Fonda made radio broadcasts from Hanoi that changed the way Americans thought of the Vietnam war and of her. To this day, many people view her as a traitor and criticise her actions in Vietnam; however, some people we re truly inspired by her words and what she had to say. Despite people s personal opinions, Fonda was a powerful speaker and knew how to convey her message to her audience. She tried to convince people that the American government and military were the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Computer Addiction Free Essays
Study Computer games have been leisure most in secondary level students. Students who are addicted to computer games, most all of them do not attend their classes just to play with their friends or classmates. Students who don’t still know how to play computer games that who are willing to know In playing computer games can be easily addicted to it and some do not do their dally tasks anymore. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Addiction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many students have no good educational background because they don’t focus on their studies. Some computer addict are undergraduates and don’t want to go to school anymore. Because of this, computer shops prohibited elementary and high school students to go inside the shops. Some students who are in last year of high school have previous experiences that the regret towards being addicted to computer games, since that they will not graduate If they don’t want to attend to school anymore. Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the Effect of Computer Games to IBIS 2nd year students. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1 . What are the effects of Computer Games to IBIS 2nd year students studies? 2. What are the effects of Computer Games to IBIS 2nd year students health? 3. What are the reasons why IBIS 2nd year students addicted to computer games? Objectives The study has the following objectives: 1. To know the effects of Computer Games to IBIS 2nd year of Tarmac College of Agriculture students studies. 2. To know the effects of computer Games to IBIS 2nd year of Tarmac college of Agriculture students health. 3. To know the reasons why IBIS 2nd year of Tarmac College of Agriculture students addicted to computer games. Time and Place The study will be conducted at the researchers room In IT b, Institute of Engineering, Tarmac College of Agriculture, Canalling, Tarmac, from September to October. Scope and Delimitation’s The study will be focus and limited only to the effects of computer games to IBIS 2nd year students of Tarmac College of Agriculture. Computer Games are game played using a computer, typically a video game. Addiction the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Computer Games Addiction the condition of being addicted to computer games. Hypothesis Students suffer to their studies because of addiction of computer games. How to cite Computer Addiction, Papers Computer Addiction Free Essays Computer addiction, a loosely used term with Internet Addiction, or Video game addiction, is the excessive or compulsive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. This disorder may affect the following: social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought process. It may also cause social disorders or possibly sleep deprivation. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Addiction or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is important to note that as of now, psychologists are not sure how to label this disorder. Many refer to it as Internet Addiction Disorder; however, computer addiction originated long before internet use is as common as it is today. In addition, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has yet to recognize this exact disorder, and are more likely to include a more specific term of addiction, such as Internet Addiction, or Video game addiction. Some people develop bad habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and negative consequences are similar to those of known addictive disorders; therefore, the term Computer or Internet Addiction has come into use. While anyone who uses a computer could be vulnerable, those people who are lonely, shy, easily bored, or suffering from another addiction or impulse control disorder as especially vulnerable to computer abuse. Computer abuse can result from people using it repeatedly as their main stress reliever, instead of having a variety of ways to cope with negative events and feelings. Other misuses can include procrastination from undesirable responsibilities, distraction from being upset, and attempts to meet needs for companionship and belonging. How to cite Computer Addiction, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Healthcare policy Family planning
Question: Describe the significance of family planning as a public health policy, theoretical principles with respect to formulation of policies, social determinants of family planning, legal aspects of family planning in UK and implications of family planning on the public health outcome. Answer: The core concept of public health policy can be explained as a process that include identification of a particular public health related issue and designing of a public health policy with emphasis on health policy analysis, health policy making and its subsequent implementation. Being retrospective or prospective in nature the task of policy analysis is found to be connected with identification, accessibility and commitment of the related stakeholders. Hence in accordance to the assignment requirement criteria the issue of family planning as been selected as the main agenda with respect to a public health policy whereby the initial segment of this assignment shall concentrate on the theoretical principles in this respect (Orme, 2007). On the introductory ground it is justified to mention that the issues particularly ideological belief and values, economic situation of the target community, political stability of the target location are the key players with respect to development of a public health policy. Additionally it is also important to highlight that contribution of evidence based research is of significance importance in this respect. However the issues related with stakeholders of the policy particularly that are connected with the statutory, charitable and commercial organizations also form the key components with respect to designing of a public health policy. The above mentioned facts are true for the public health policy associated with family planning (Popejoy and Akukwe, 2013). The emergence of the concept of family planning can be linked with the occurrence of uncontrolled fertility with a continuously increasing population size at a global scale. Hence family planning can be explained as a helping hand to guide the individuals in terms of having desired number of children. Family planning being a significant part of the healthcare system implementation of public health policies associated with family planning are highly essential ("U.K. Population (2016) - Worldometers", 2016). Citing the country example of United Kingdom it is observed that due to the increasing trend of population public health policies are developed in alignment with family planning. An insight into the population size of the United Kingdom data reveal that the total population of the country as per 1st January 2016 is 65039319 with an increase of 0.56% compared to the population size of the previous year. Also the present population of UK contribute to 0.88% of the total world populat ion. It was further estimated that about 81.5% of the total population of this country are inhabitants of the urban locations ("United Kingdom (UK) population 2016 | Current population of United Kingdom (UK)", 2016). Focussing on the key advantages of family planning the issues of effective birth control rate, improved health of the mothers, elimination of early or late pregnancies and better health of the children can be underlined. The steep increase in external migration rates and high birth rate compared to death rate are considered as the causal factor behind the population rise of the United Kingdom. Hence from the above mentioned data it is clearly understood that family planning is the main agenda for development of a public health policy in order to control the exceeding population growth of the Unite Kingdom.It is further important to understand the ineffectiveness of public health policies do not fulfil the key requirements of controlling the population size.These public health policies create a general awareness within the population with respect to healthcare issues.Teenage pregnancies are one of the key concerned of public health policies in this respect (Family Planning, 2007). A number of models have been designed for the purpose of designing and development of policies. The incrementalist model which is a descriptive model can be cited as one of the policy formulation model whereby only the changes or alterations have least possibilities are considered. The application of the above mentioned policy formulation model is evident in the policies that are designed with a purpose to embed a change through a gradual process and decision making is one of the major components of this model. On the other hand the mixed scanning model finds its application in consideration to all the available options prior focussing on a particular option(Fischer, Miller Sidney, 2007). The Hall Model, conceived in the year 1975 has been considered as one of the frequently implemented model for development of a healthcare policy. According to the principles of this cited model the issues like legitimacy, feasibility and support are considered to be important. The legal right of Go vernment intervention highlight the legitimacy issue while the availability of the subjects, funds and other resources are included under the domain of feasibility. The Kingdon model conceived in 1984 in contrast to Halls model has elaborated the importance of three streams namely problem stream, politics stream and policy stream to develop a window of opportunities. Later in the year 1994 Walt and Gilson designed a policy triangle model whereby both policy making and policy implementation are mutually interlinked. In the year 1990 Thomas and Grindle conceived another policy formulation model known as the interactive model whereby negotiations are permissible in all the stages during the implementation of this particular model (Fischer, Miller Sidney, 2007). Discussing the issue of public health policy it is essential to highlight that the Hall Model of policy formulation own a significant amount of rationality. This particular model has been considered to be effective because the theoretical principles of this model has well complimented with the underlying factors of family planning. However as family planning is play a pivotal role on the social scenario the intervention of government can be considered to be one of the priority addressing this issue. Apart from this as the practice of family planning can be identified as one of the potential targets towards the population the availability of technological resources the aspect of feasibility can be considered as an important aspect. . Last but not the least in accordance to the theoretical principles of Halls model of policy development it is logical to convey that for the effective implementation of a family planning related public health policy the support and participation of the co mmon public is required. Therefore it can be rightly stated that the public health policy addressing the issue of family planning can be designed in light of Halls Model as all the above three factors are available in this respect (Buse, Mays Walt, 2005). Considering the social determinant of family planning as a part of public health policy the factors like legal guidelines, human rights, education, norms of society, culture, religion and economic condition of the society can be considered. Hence in order to maintain the operational efficacy of family planning it is required to incorporate educational policies. The emphasis towards providing sex education services, evidence based sexual health information and counseling can be considered as effective tools of family planning. A significant level of disparity is evident in issues related to the outcomes of family planning practices. The conflict of interests and lack of knowledge regarding the benefits and positive consequences of family planning practices can be brought into attention (SathyanarayanaRaoet al., 2012). The intervention of various religious beliefs is also evident in this context. The example of beliefs of Roman Catholics can be cited in this respect as according to their beliefs it is against the law o nature to practice abortion and artificial contraception ("Religion as a Social Determinant of Public Health", 2016). One of the major challenges of family planning services can be associated with the accessibility issues of such service. It is evident that presence of shallow knowledge regarding family planning services particularly within the population of lower social strata and the minority group are the major restrains towards acceptance of family planning practices. However in this context it is justified to state that the poverty stricken segment of the society is mainly deprived from the access to the family planning and contraception services. Moreover the immigrants populations that comprise a major segment of the population of the United Kingdom also have limited access the public health policy of family planning. The major barriers in this respect are language and insurance cover. Hence according to the legal guidelines formulated under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 the prohibitions have been implied to limit the access to the publicly financed health care by the immigrants during first five years of their stay in the country. However under such a social scenario the immigrant population is only allowed to obtain the facility of Emergency Medicaid only for acute illness and obstetrical deliveries. Health inequality due to racism and ethnicity are also present as social barriers to family planning whereby the Black and the Hispanic women population are affected (Hall, Johnson and Dalton, 2013). Under the initiatives of the World Health Organization or WHO countries are adapting to evidence based approach of family planning. The above mentioned initiative has been pursued by WHO in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF), the International Planned Parenthood federation European Network, European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health etc ("Contraception", 2016). In order to promote positive sexual health of the population the administrative body of the United Kingdom has published the Framework for Sexual health Improvement in the year 2013, the Health and Social Care Bill was sanctioned in 2012. The example of Sexual Health and wellbeing action plan for Wales 2010-2015 can also be cited to address the above mentioned issue. Hence from the above cited examples it is justified to mention that the governing body of the United Kingdom has given considerable emphasis in promotion of public health through implementation of family planning practices("Sexual health across the UK | FPA", 2016). In context of discussing the significant aspects of family planning this can be represented as one of the major achievement that has improved the public health condition of the society. It is need les to mention that family planning practices has also gained huge scale acceptance on the global platform as it is one of the most effective tool in controlling the global population (Darge, 2009). The awareness of general public towards contraceptive and allied reproductive services, patient education, breast and pelvic investigation, screening of the breast and cervical cancer and diagnosis of pregnancy services can be considered to have immensely contributed improving the overall health condition of the global population. ("Family Planning | Healthy People 2020", 2016). Prevention of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through education, counselling and medical investigation can be enlisted as the other positive health outcomes by incorporation of family planning services as a part of public health policy (McVeigh, Homburg Guillebaud, 2008). Family planning is also found to contribute in the reduction of unintended pregnancies that are subsequently associated with negative health outcome and social discrimination. The negative or undesired health outcomes that are brought along with unintended pregnancies are delay in prenatal care, lowered chances of breastfeeding resulting in compromise with the infants health, chances of maternal depression and increased risk of physical violence during pregnancy period(Look et al., 2011). Additionally the other negative consequences like birth defects and low birth weight are also associated with unintended pregnancy that is also effectively inhibited through the implementation of family planning system. The above mentioned negative health outcomes that affect the health of both mother and the child can be restricted to a considerable extent through the implementation of family planning system. Hence it can be stated that family planning not only offers a number of positive outcomes with respect to public health but also serve to minimise the occurrence of negative health outcomes. Therefore to conclude it is justified to mention that family planning can be considered as an effective approach to restrict mother-child transmission of HIV, lowering of infant and maternal morbidity rate, lowering the number of abortion cases and also contribute to birth spacing(Tsuiet al., 2010). To conclude in it justified to state that family planning is one of the most significant part of public health policy and the governing body of the United Kingdom has given considerable amount of emphasis to this issue. Although there are certain social, cultural and religious issue that are found to be associated with the practice of family planning and contraception but majority of the population are observed to accept this process. Hence family planning contributes positively towards the public health outcomes and also indirectly helps in improving the overall economic situation of the nation. References: Buse, K., Mays, N., Walt, G. (2005).Making health policy. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Contraception.(2016). Retrieved 31 March 2016, from Darge, R. (2009). Determinants of Family Planning Behaviour among Married Women in the Amhara Regional State: A Social-Psychological Approach. Eth. J. Dev. Res., 29(2). Family Planning | Healthy People 2020.(2016). Retrieved 31 March 2016, from Family Planning. (2007). Retrieved from Fischer, F., Miller, G., Sidney, M. (2007).Handbook of public policy analysis. Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor Francis. Hall, K., Johnson, T. and Dalton, V. (2013). Social and demographic disparities in preventive family planning service use among adult women in the United States. Contraception, 88(3), p.467. Look, P., Heggenhougen, K., Quah, S. (2011). Sexual and reproductive health. San Diego: Academic Press. McVeigh, E., Homburg, R., Guillebaud, J. (2008).Oxford handbook of reproductive medicine and family planning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Orme, J. (2007). Public health for the 21st century. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: Open University Press. Popejoy, M., Akukwe, C. (2013).Global public health policy. New York: Nova Science. Religion as a Social Determinant of Public Health.(2016). Google Books. Retrieved 31 March 2016, from Sexual health across the UK | FPA.(2016). Retrieved 31 March 2016, from Tsui, A., McDonald-Mosley, R., Burke, A. (2010).Family Planning and the Burden of Unintended Pregnancies.Epidemiologic Reviews, 32(1), 152-174. U.K. Population (2016) - Worldometers.(2016). Retrieved 31 March 2016, from United Kingdom (UK) population 2016 | Current population of United Kingdom (UK).(2016). Retrieved 31 March 2016, from
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Voices and Viewpoints Poems by Stephen Crane k12 Wiva American Literature Flashcard
Voices and Viewpoints Poems by Stephen Crane k12 Wiva American Literature
Saturday, March 7, 2020
How to Complete an Accounting Assignment
How to Complete an Accounting Assignment How to Complete an Accounting Assignment Every year more and more high school graduates decide to choose a financial career, as it is a pace, which can lead to success and prosperity. Almost every college offers students an accounting course and a financial major, so you will definitely face these subjects along the way. However, accounting is quite a complicated subject to master, as it requires not only theoretical skills but also completing a huge amount of accounting documentation and various assignments. If you want to be able to complete all the tasks on time with minimum affords, continue reading and don’t forget to share our guide with your friends. Importance of accounting assignments When you are asked to complete a regular essay or write a personal opinion on a subject, you may neglect it and most likely your professor will forget about it without any punishments. However, when you are assigned with an accounting research paper, it is usually one of the most important tasks throughout the year and your grades will surely influence the general score. An accounting paper should contain a solution of a certain problem, offering new ideas, based on calculations, experiment results and general facts. It should also contain theory and prove various assumptions. This article contains all the answers you may need, so make yourself comfortable and go on reading to be able to complete an accounting paper without any difficulties. A common accounting paper structure As any paper on business and finances, an accounting assignment doesn’t have a general template, which could be applied in all of the cases. However, there is a common structure, which can be used not depending on the topic you are going to cover. Just follow these simple rules and we guarantee that your paper will be smooth and interesting. The regular structure of an accounting paper includes: It should be not more than a couple sentences long. Be clear and provide only key information on the topic, explaining why it is important, what were your goals and so on. Don’t forget to include a thesis statement, which will give a course to your whole work; Body parts. This section includes all the information you have collected and generated during your work on the assignment. It should contain your research, arguments, results and important data; Here you need to sum the whole work, reminding key elements of the whole paper and making predictions, based on the obtained results. How to choose a topic When it comes to such subjects as finances, accounting or math, it is harder to choose a topic and you need to have a deep knowledge of the task to be able to provide a great paper. That is why most of the students spend a lot of time trying to select a topic that will reveal their potential. That is why you need to devote a lot of your time to selecting a proper topic: complete a research, download samples, find inspiration and finally select a topic that will be not only understandable but also interesting to help you stay motivated along the way. The best accounting topics Everything you need to know about bookkeeping; Effective auditing methods; How to benefit from a personal accountant; How financial markets work; Pros and cons of credit unions; How government regulates banking institutions; Financial ethics; Online accountants: latest trend or a necessity?
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management Principles - Essay Example Businesses are the driving force behind an economy. In the United States there are nearly 29 million businesses operating. These businesses create nearly 120 million jobs. Business organizations are imperative towards the well being of a society. Not only do businesses provide jobs for people, but they also produce products and services that consumers desire. For instance Apple Computers is the top producer of smartphones in the world with its famous iPhone series. The business world has evolved in the 21st century with the arrival of e-commerce. There are millions of websites that offer products and services. The two largest online retail establishments are Amazon and EBay. The success of a business enterprise depends on the abilities of its managerial staff. The manager of an organization is responsible for the performance of the company as well as the performance of its employees. A good manager is able to motivate his staff to achieve higher levels of performance. There are different levels of management. Management is divided into three levels which are: upper level, middle management, and lower level. The lower level management positions are typically referred to as supervisors. An example of a middle level manager is the manager of a division of the company. In a publicly traded company the upper level management is the executive management team. The executive management team is led by the chief executive officer (CEO). The CEO of a firm is the most powerful and influential person within the company. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act made the CEO responsible for the content of the financial statements of a company. If fraud is detected in these statements the CEO could face jail time. CEOs have to establish both yearly operational plans as we ll as strategic plans for the long term. Some important skills and abilities that managers must possess are analytical abilities, leadership, superb verbal and
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Sports and Entertainment Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Sports and Entertainment Management - Essay Example The most interesting thing that I learnt was that life takes unexpected turns for all of us. It is not always for the worse but some brilliant opportunities are presented to us too. We need to be open to new circumstances. A flexible attitude always prevails. Mr. Baker talked about transition in an organization. Transition or change is very important for an organization. Mr. Baker said that making a change is extremely difficult but we have to make it because we have to stay up to speed with the rest of the world. The ways of the world change. The tastes of the consumers change. Technology changes all the time. This is why an organization needs to be flexible and must be able to anticipate the requirements of change. According to Lewin, when an organization undergoes change, it goes through three processes which are unfreezing, change, and refreezing (pp. 197–211). Unfreezing is the most difficult part because it is the stage which is resisted the most. It is common human beha vior that when people are settled in and are comfortable, they always tend to resist when they are asked to make a change. A good leader administers change in a very effective manner by taking all team members into confidence and explaining to them that a change is necessary for their own well-being. When the team members know about the importance of change, they cooperate in a better manner. The key is to involve the team members in the process of transitioning. If the details of change are kept from the team members, a greater resistance is likely to be expected. However, no matter how much efforts are made to involve the team members in the change process, there would always be some resistance. It is very important that this resistance is dealt fairly because it causes great stress otherwise. Lewin suggests that a â€Å"controlled crisis†can be created by the leader so that the team members or the employees are motivated to find a new equilibrium themselves. When the cris is creates a sense of instability in the team members, they seek change themselves and, therefore, enter the second phase of change. According to Lewin, different people respond differently to change. It is not possible that the change would be undergone overnight. There are two types of people; proactive and reactive. Proactive people understand the need of change quickly and start working in the new direction at once. Reactive people do not change unless something really happens to them and they are forced to change. The creation of a crisis was suggested to set the wheels of reactive people in motion. However, there are always certain people who benefit heavily from the status quo. Such people take a long time to unfreeze and change. Here comes the importance of yet another very important aspect of Mr. Baker’s presentation which is decision-making. A leader must be able to take tough decisions in a timely manner. Being a hockey coach for a fair amount of time, Mr. Baker ha s the mental toughness and maturity to handle a team effectively. According to him, it is very important that a leader never cheats. One of the major aims of his coaching was to hold the kids accountable if they do anything wrong so that a sense of responsibility can be created. This also helps in letting the team members know what their boundaries are. The team members are also treated with great respect so that they may never feel mistreated. All these things apart, the need to take necessary decisions is very important no matter how tough they are. However, there is always a room for improvement and there is a possibility that things can be done in much better way than they have been done in the past. According to Shapira, decision making is considered as a process in which different interests and perspectives
Monday, January 27, 2020
Maruthi Suzuki India Ltd | Analysis
Maruthi Suzuki India Ltd | Analysis Maruti Udyog Limited is a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, the largest manufacturer of mini passenger vehicles in Japan in terms of sales volumes. Suzuki was also the eleventh largest vehicle manufacturer in the world and the fourth largest manufacturer in Japan in terms of worldwide sales volumes in 2000. Maruti was ranked twentieth in terms of worldwide sales volumes amongst vehicle manufacturers, and has been the largest passenger car manufacturer in India. In fiscal 2002, it had the highest sales volumes of 339,964 cars and a market share of 58.6%. Maruti has a diverse product range that includes ten basic models with over 50 variants, of which nine models are manufactured locally and one is imported from Suzuki. The company offers a wide range of cars across different segments. It offers 14 brands and over 150 variants Maruti 800, people movers, Omni and Eeco, international brands Alto, Alto-K10, A-star, WagonR, Swift, Ritz and Estilo, off-roader Gypsy, SUV Grand Vitara, sedans SX4 and Swift DZire In an environment friendly initiative, in August 2010 Maruti Suzuki introduced factory fitted CNG option on 5 models across vehicle segments. These include Eeco, Alto, Estilo, Wagon R and Sx4. (Maruti, 2011) Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2011) Maruti Suzuki India Limited, the countrys largest car manufacturer today rolled out its 1 Crore (ten millionth) car on March 15th 2011. The historic 1 Crore car, a Metallic Breeze Blue coloured WagonR VXi (Chassis No 243899) rolled out from the Companys Gurgaon plant. With this landmark achievement, Maruti Suzuki becomes the only Indian car company that makes its entry into the select club of automobile manufacturers across the globe who have crossed this milestone. (Maruti, 2011) Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2011) Over the quarter century of its existence, Maruti Suzukis contribution as the growth engine for the Indian automobile industry is widely acknowledged. Maruti Suzuki has impacted the lifestyle and psyche of an entire generation of Indian middle class through the quality of its products and services that are in direct sync with the needs of the Indian populace. (Maruti, 2011) Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2011) Situational Analysis: Maruti Suzuki has a good market progress in automobile industry and has good sales performance from their own brand products. The current lineup is compromised of almost all Suzukis, including the Alto and the higher-end Swift and SX4. The company follows a partnership approach with its various stakeholders, and believes that the prosperity and wellbeing of the stakeholders will fuel the growth of the company in the future. (Maruti, 2011) Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2011) The company continue to enjoy a strength growth with Net Sales up by 1.3%, Operating Income up by 0.8% and Net Income up by 3.8%. The companys consolidated profit exceeded those of previous years with 103.2% increase of operating income and 105.4% of net income. (Maruti, 2011) Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2011) Due to continuous demand, the company is planning on expanding its production by building new plants to cater customer needs, to reduce waiting period and to meet export demands. (Maruti, 2011) Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2011) Organizations Orientation Orientation: The process of receiving and welcoming an employee when an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the basic information to settle down quickly and start work. -Armstrong, Micheal. A Handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan page limited, 1999. Types Of Orientation: Product Orientation Production Orientation Sales Orientation Marketing Orientation Production Orientation: Production orientation is often a characteristic of organizations which have developed specific skills or technologies. It often involves manufacturing products in large quantities in order to minimize the costs of production. For Eg: The focus of the business is not the needs of the customer, but of reducing costs by mass production. By reaching economies of scale the business will maximize profits by reducing costs. Pg: 16 Marketing Principles and Practice Written By: Adcock, Dennis; Halborg, Al; Ross, Caroline Published By: Pearson Education UK Published In: 2001 Product Orientation: Production orientation is often a characteristic of organizations which have developed specific skills or technologies. It often involves manufacturing products in large quantities in order to minimize the costs of production. For Eg:- We produce excellent, well-designed, quality products which are great value for money. Customers are sure to want our products. Pg: 17 Marketing Principles and Practice Written By: Adcock, Dennis; Halborg, Al; Ross, Caroline Published By: Pearson Education UK Published In: 2001 Sales Orientation: Sales orientation dictates that a business must aggressively promote its products. As the product already exists, sales staff are made responsible for identifying every potential customer. This does not mean that sales representatives are customer-orientated, as that would involve starting with customer needs and not the product. For Eg:- The focus here is to make the product, and then try to sell it to the target market. However, the problem could be that consumers do not like what is being sold to them. Pg: 18 Marketing Principles and Practice Written By: Adcock, Dennis; Halborg, Al; Ross, Caroline Published By: Pearson Education UK Published In: 2001 Marketing Orientation: Kohli and Jaworski (1990) defined market orientation in the following terms: A market orientation entails (1) One or more departments engaging in activities geared toward developing an understanding of customers current and future needs and the factors affecting them (2) Sharing of this understanding across departments (3) The various departments engaging in activities designed to meet select customer needs. In other words, a market orientation refers to the organization-wide generation, dissemination, and responsiveness to market intelligence. Page no:8 Book name: Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning Written By Hooley, Graham J.; Saunders, John A.; Piercy, Nigel F.; Nicoulaud, Brigitte Published By Pearson Education UK in 2008 MACRO ENVIRONMENT- EXTERNAL ANALYSIS PESTEL A technique for analyzing the general environment is called Pestel Analysis. Page 126 Management and Organisational Behaviour, Written by: Mullins, Laurie J. PublishedBy: PearsonEducationUK PublishedIn: 2005 MILEAN/ISBN:9786610601752 Pub e-EAN/ISBN: 9781405871716 Political Political Factors Impact on the industry Effect on Industry Growth Employment New development and demand for more skilled labours High skill job seekers may find it easy to get a job Taxation and Labour Law Increasing changes in the Taxes and increased regulation in labour law Due to increase tax, the company had to increase the product price and it needs effective labour law E commerce The Company opening up online purchasing opportunities Better chance for increase business and customer satisfaction Terrorism Increase in number of terrorism in recent years Affects the market growth and the economy of the company Conclusion: The political factor plays a vital role in the success of the organization. The political factor are the external issues which affect the growth of the organization. Factors like new government taxing and terrorism will have a drastic effect on growth of the organization. Economical: Economical Factors Impact on the industry Effect on Industry Growth Oil Price High import and export rate It causes increase in the product price Currency Tax Change in the exchange rate. Reducing Tax rates Due to constant change in the currency exchange rates, tax rates and the duty rates keeps changing. Economy High economic growth rate It influence and raise the demand and purchasing power. Interest and Inflation Rates Interest and Inflation rates are forecast to increase High interest and inflation rates will have a negative impact on organization growth Conclusion: High economic growth may increase the buying power of the people, but the ever increasing oil price will have an impact on the export and import of product along with problems caused by varying currency exchange rate. Social: Social Factors Impact on the industry Effect on Industry Growth Population Second most in population Skilled labour, among the lowest in the world Brand value Company has strong and well known brand name It attracts people easily Cricket World Cup, IPL etc Increase in tourism. Good opportunity for marketing and for the business to boom Conclusion: Huge population and ongoing Cricket world cup provides an excellent opportunity for business development and having a brand value is an added advantage. Technological: Technological Factors Impact on the industry Effect on Industry Growth Technology About 600,000 engineers pass out each year Enough man power for new development and innovation Secure online transaction Purchase and payment can be done in a secure way. It will be easy for vendors, customers etc to buy and to make payments Modernisation Emergence of Indian automobile market as a major hub for auto manufacturing and research More contribution to GDP, more profit, and brand value Conclusion: Technological changes such as cutting edge design, eco friendly infrastructure and online security will be beneficial for both the company and the customers. Environmental: Environmental Factors Impact on the industry Effect on Industry Growth Pollution Industry follows international standards on emission and safety More support from government. Waste Management Following industry norms One of the highlights of the Organization Conclusion: More efficient and eco friendly changes needs to be done regarding pollution control, but at the same time maintaining industry norms is the highlights of the company. Legal: Factors Impact on the industry Implications International Trade Company imports and exports products from different countries and also does business in many countries Different trade law in each country may affect the business. High import duty has to be paid. Government laws The company has to follow different rules in different countries to run business Some laws in certain countries may affect the business Deregulation/ Privatisation Increased regulation and privatisation of the industry Its an added advantage as it will give more growth opportunities on economic and technological front Micro Environment External Environment PORTERS Five Forces: The five force model of Porter is an outside-in business unit strategy tool that is used to make an analysis of the attractiveness(value) of an industry structure. Competitive Forces model Porter: Value Based Management website. Available at: ( Accessed on 21 March 2011) Porters Five Force Model: Threat to New Entrants: Factor Level of threat Implication Brand Low Maruti Suzuki has been in the industry for a long time, it commands most of the market share and has a strong brand name. Financial investment Low There is less chance of any new entrant to invest as much as Maruti Suzuki and perform well at the current market. Start up cost of new entrant is low. Competence Low Company shares a respectable market in India, its rare for new entrant to catch up Sales Low New entrants may sell their products at low prices but still Maruti Suzukis strong brand name attracts customers Conclusion: Maruti Suzuki has no or less threats from new entrants, because Maruti has established itself as a well known recognisible brand. It has a huge brand value and gained a good market position than any other player in the market. Threat of Substitutes: Factors Level of threat Implication Substitutes Medium There are many substitutes products but Maruti Suzuki products are efficient and cost effective. Importance of substitutes Medium There are not many products that are very efficient so their importance goes down Cost rate Low There are few substitutes that are efficient or reputable, still Maruti Suzuki has a foot hold in that position Conclusion: Though there are many Substitutes, Maruti Suzuki have gained a niche market position for itself but the product efficency in Maruti Suzuki is a concern. Bargaining power of the customers: Factor Level of threat Implication Quality of the product Medium When people look for high Quality product, price is also considered important. Competition High There are many Automobile Companies competing with Maruti Suzuki are so high in competition Differentiation products Medium Customers always look for new and efficient products Conclusion: Since Maruti Suzuki offers good quality and cost effective products with great services, customers usually dont consider features of the product so the level of threat is normally low when compared with other competitors in the market. Bargaining power of the suppliers Factors Level of threat Implication Price of suppliers Medium Prices of the product goes up as the demand increases. Power of suppliers Low Suppliers have to meet the customers needs to get orders in the future Political issues Medium Political issue are to be met by the suppliers Conclusion: There will be little or less threat as suppliers usually try to keep their customers happy. Competitive Rivalry Factors Level of threat Implication Brand identity High All Competitive companies such as TATA, Hyundai, Ford have good brand reputation in the market Company growth High Tough competition from other companies affect the growth Cost structure Medium Most of the companies maintain their cost of profit accordingly to the other competitors. Conclusion: There are products which may be considered as a competitor to Maruti Suzuki so the competitive rivalry among stores is high MARKET SEGMENTATION Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics or behaviour, who might require separate products or marketing mixes. Page 391, Principles of Marketing, Written by: Kotler, Philip; Wong, Veronica; Saunders, John; Armstrong, Gary Published by: Pearlson Education UK Published In: 2005 Pub e-EAN/ISBN: 9781405871358 Consumer Market: The variables used in segmenting consumer markets can be broadly grouped into three main classes: Background customer characteristics; Customer attitudes; Customer behaviour; The first two sets of characteristics concern the individuals predisposition to areas, where as the final set concerns actual behaviour in the market place. Page 274: Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning Written By: Hooley, Graham J.; Saunders, John A.; Piercy, Nigel F. Published By: Pearson Education UK in 2004 Segmentation Profile Psychographic Social Single , Married and Teenager Behaviour Outlook Faithfulness Usage rate Common users High faithfulness in the brand Environmentally concerned Product: Maruti Suzuki has a very wide range of products from small passenger cars to varying segments like sport, sedan, luxury. These are flagship product they offer: Maruti 800 Maruti Alto Maruti Alto K10 Maruti Astar Maruti Eeco Maruti Gypsy Maruti Omni Maruti Ritz Maruti SX4 Maruti Dezire Maruti Swift Maruti Grand Vitara Maruti Estilo Competitors Maruti Suzuki now faces stiff competition from about 3 to 4 major competitors in the market. Newly entered U.S auto makers like General Motors, Ford, Hyundai and local companies like Tata, Mahindra Mahindra are the main competitors of Maruti Suzuki. They also have a major portion in market share. High Quality Low Quality Brand Maruti Suzuki has been ranked Indias most Trusted Brand in Automobile Sector for the year 2010 by Indias leading Business newspaper The Economic Times. Maruti Suzuki has its own brand portfolio of about 14 brands (such as 800, AStar, Alto, Omni, Ritz etc) and exclusive brands like Desire, Swift etc Maruti (2011), Maruti Suzuki Ltd website. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2011) Core Competence Core Competence of Maruti Suzuki is their famous brand value and their reputed products. Being one of the leading manufacturers in automotive industry, it has a strong national presence. INTERNAL AUDIT: Resources Audit: Physical Resource: -Three Production plant in INDIA One plant in New Delhi. Two plants in Gurgoan. Financial Resource: March10 March09 (Cr.) (Cr.) Total income 29,935.40 21,277.00 Expenditure 25,579.80 18,825.70 Operating Profit 3,737.90 1,903.70 EBITDA 4,355.60 2,451.30 EBIT 3,530.60 1,744.80 EBT 3,497.10 1,693.80 Profit and losses of the year 2,402.20 1,236.70 PAT 2,497.60 1,218.70 Dividend: Equity Dividend 173.30 101.10 Equity Dividend (%) 119.93 69.96 Shares in Issue (Lakhs) 2,889.10 2,889.10 EPS Annualized (Rs) 86.45 42.18 Source: Differentiation and Capabilities: Here 5Ms can be used to analyze the Differentiation and Capabilities of Maruti Suzuki Limited. Market: Maruti is one of the leading retailer in INDIA and it is also expanding its market by reaching out the Global customer through its Quality of Service and Product. Men (Human resource): Maruti has employee strength of about 7,600 which is an inclusive of Manufacturing division, Marketing, Sales, Service and Customer support as of March 2010. Source: Money: Financial Resource: March10 March09 (Cr.) (Cr.) Total income 29,935.40 21,277.00 Expenditure 25,579.80 18,825.70 Operating Profit 3,737.90 1,903.70 EBITDA 4,355.60 2,451.30 EBIT 3,530.60 1,744.80 EBT 3,497.10 1,693.80 Profit and losses of the year 2,402.20 1,236.70 PAT 2,497.60 1,218.70 Dividend: Equity Dividend 173.30 101.10 Equity Dividend (%) 119.93 69.96 Shares in Issue (Lakhs) 2,889.10 2,889.10 EPS Annualized (Rs) 86.45 42.18 Machines: Physical Resource: -Three Production plant in INDIA One plant in New Delhi. Two plants in Gurgoan. Materials: Has strong presence in materials like Metals for the frames, copper in the electrical wiring, aluminum for the radiator and platinum, palladium and rhodium in the catalytic converter, Glass, Plastic, Rubber for tiers and lead is used in the battery. SWOT ANALYSIS: A SWOT analysis gives a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the company together with the opportunities and threats it faces. Referred from: Principles of Marketing, Written By: Kotler, Philip; Wong, Veronica; Saunders, John; Armstrong, Gary. Published By: Pearson Education UK, Published In: 2005 MIL EAN/ISBN: 9786610601332 Pub e-EAN/ISBN: 9781405871358 STRENGTHS: Strengths High Brand Loyalty Strong financial resources Leading in niche market Larger investment Level of implication High High Low High B) WEAKNESS: Weakness High operation cost Threat from competitors Level of implication Medium High C) OPPURTUNITIES: Opportunities Market for all class people Support for Sports Model Internet sales Level of implication High Medium Medium D) THREATS: Threats Strong competition Decrease in sales Level of implication High Medium Conclusion: The strength of the organization lies in high quality products and the companys good financial resources. Though they do not have a particularly well suited market for their product, still they invest more on their products which is one of the strengths of Maruti. The weakness of Maruti lies in their high operations cost and the threat from the competitors. Maruti has to focus on the areas of product design and quick service to the customers. The Threat lies in the Strong competition and the increase in the sale of the products due to the competition. 7) MARKETING PLAN Ten steps to documenting your plan Begin with certain inevitable preliminaries (contents, contacts, definitions). Provide an executive summary. Set the scene by describing the business. Review the market, your competition and your market positioning. Explain your vision, mission and objectives. Describe your strategy. Explain your plans for developing your products and/or services. Set out your financial projections. Highlight the risks and opportunities. Reach a conclusion. Referred by: Definitive Business Plan, The: The Fast-Track to Intelligent Business Planning for Executives and Entrepreneurs. Written By: Stutely, Richard, Published By: Pearson Education UK, Published In: 2007 MIL EAN/ISBN: 9786611157036 Pub e-EAN/ISBN: 9781405893978 7.1) COMPANYS OBJECTIVES: Short term( 1 year) Long term (2-4 years) Increase the sale of high quality cars Space and product extension Increase the productivity To expand the business in various countries. To build high range of Sports car To build the world cheapest car. 7.2) STRATEGIES: Maruti has a clear strategy to increase the profit and grow in market share. The company has to plan, to achieve this by increase the sale with the existing customer, attract the new customers and moving into the new market. They have also planned to enhance the offers available through the companys website. And the company has decided to expand the business in different parts of the world with cost effective to sustain in the competitive world. 7.3) MARKETING MIX: PRODUCT: Product is an important term in business, where all company will produce product with better quality, but Maruti is concerned to produce products according to the demands of the customers, to make more efficient and effective in terms of fulfilling the customer needs. PRICE: Maruti have high price for premium products and for Sports model, where there is a range of products or services the pricing reflect the benefits of parts of the range. They also use value pricing during the times of recession and increased competition. Maruti also produces the low price products to attract the customers and for both upper middle class and middle class people. PROMOTION: The endorsement is with simple video . Making customer comfortable through test drive. Targeting people of all class. PEOPLE: Introducing services in a way that suits all range of peoples. They attract people using good promotion and retain the customers with good customer service and support. PLACE: Maruti Suzuki had 802 dealerships across 555 towns and cities in India. It has 906 dealer workshops and 1,834 Maruti Authorised Service Stations in 1,335 towns and cities. It has 30 Express Service Stations on 30 National Highways across 1,314 cities in India. 8) BUDGET BREAKDOWN: Countrys largest car maker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) said it would consider taking different measures after April to protect its margins due to fluctuation in Japanese Yen, post the devastating earthquake and tsunami. For this month, we are completely protected. In fact, we are covered till April. Beyond that if Yen continues to appreciate, then we will have to take a call to counter it, MSI chief financial officer Ajay Seth said. The companys margins are affected whenever the yen appreciates, while it is beneficial if it depreciates. After the natural disaster that struck the island nation on March 11, the Japanese currency is quoted at about 81 yen against a US dollar compared to that of about 83 yen earlier. There is strong volatility going on at present, with yen appreciating as much as to 76 yen against a dollar recently. Market analysts pointed out that currency hedging is a strong possibility. Usually, Maruti hedges yen against the euro instead of rupee to mitigate the impact, an analyst with a leading brokerage firm, who asked not to be identified, said. On the component sourcing from Japan: Of our total raw material procurement, about 25 per cent are imported. Out of those imported parts, about 80 per cent are purchased in yen. During the October-December period last year, MSI spent Rs 6,959.03 crore in consumption of raw materials and components. It also paid Rs 460 crore as royalty in the quarter to its parent company Suzuki, which is about 5.5 per cent of MSIs total sales. The impact of Japans natural disaster on MSIs production, it will remain unaffected for some time till next month as the company has enough inventory of components. Besides the stock at the plants, getting some supplies, which will reach from Japan that started sailing just before the earthquake. Last week, the company had said it was assessing the possible impact of the natural calamity on its components import from Japan. Earlier, MSI had cancelled the celebrations for rolling out its 1,00,00,000th car in view of the catastrophe. Shares of MSI were trading at Rs 1,170.05 on the Bombay Stock Exchange during late afternoon trade, up 3.42 per cent from its previous close. SOURCE: Biblography
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Politics and Global Warming Essay
Introduction            Every day we go about our own business. Many of us never take the time to look around and see how we are affecting our earth’s atmosphere.  Everywhere you look today you are bound to see some factory or machinery polluting our air. Just think how many times you have seen those large semi trucks or big fossil fuel factories emitting thick dark smoke into the atmosphere. We need to come to reality and realize that all that polluting we have been doing over the last half-century is finally catching up to us. It is very easy to detect through scientific research that our earth’s climate is changing, Time magazine reports in its 2004 issue that the earth’s average temperature is increasing at a steady rate. Yes, we all have heard the term â€Å"global warming†, however many people don’t know in depth what global warming is, or how our actions will affect our earth if we don’t respond to the issue. If we can educate ourselves on what global warming is and how it will affect us in the near and far future, we can then begin to change our old habits of polluting and create new habits and goals to living in a much healthier and cleaner environment. The purpose of this study is to know what global warming is and what the government is doing to resolve the issue as well as what else can be done in short term and long term. Background What is global warming?            Global Warming is an issue that concerns almost everybody worldwide: it is the primary cause for the erratic and sometimes devastating weather that is experienced around the world. Global warming is causing the rise in sea level which in turn causes the flooding of coastal areas and areas with low elevation. Global Warming and doomsday            Will global warming spell doom for our world? Scientists believe this to be so. â€Å"Much depends on what actions we take now and in the coming years.†Meteorologist Jagadish Shukla of the University of Maryland found out that deforestation would cause rainfall in the Amazon River to decline by more than 26 percent from the current 2.5 m. to about 1.8 m. a year (Bellamy, 2000).            At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is formed. The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees (Carwardine, 2000). Discussion            During the earliest times, the life-styles of our ancestors were very simple. The air they breathed was clean. The streams were clear and free of harmful organisms. They used natural fertilizers for their agricultural crops. The surroundings were free of household throwaways.            Today, there has been a tremendous growth in science and technology. Such advances have brought about changes in terms of new products, improved equipment, and more effective methodologies. Unfortunately, this same technology which made life easier for us produced wastes which are now affecting the quality of our surrounding air, water, and land. Factories and motor vehicles send tons of pollutants into our air. Excessive air pollution poses a danger to our health and environment. It can likewise cause stunted growth and even death to our plants. Out streams are polluted by discharges from industrial plants that use chemicals. Garbage and sink wastes are carelessly thrown in our surroundings. Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides pollute our land and farm products (Johnston, 2000).            At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid are formed (Jenner, 1999). The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees.            Nitrous oxide or â€Å"laughing gas’ is a colorless gas with a sweet taste and odor that is used as an anesthetic in minor surgery that H2O is responsible for about 6 percent of the human contributes to greenhouse warming. Methane or â€Å"cow gas,†on the other hand, makes up about 18 percent of human contributions to greenhouse effect. Cattle, sheep, goats, and other cud-chewing animals give off methane, in burps and flatulence as they digest (Cairncross, 2002).            CFCs are estimated to account for 14 percent of global warming. Experts said that what is happening right now is not a matter of adding a few degrees to the average temperature of a community. A rise of this magnitude may cause life, for without the environment, creatures on earth cannot survive            Are we all aware of the extent of the damages brought about by modernization? Have we contributed to such environmental dilemma? What have we done to minimize such danger to our lives?            How can we take care of our environment? We must undertake measures to preserve our resources and minimize utilization of energy before it’s too late. Our fight against pollution is an initial step toward conserving our environmental resources and energy. We must all join hands for this common goal.            Furthermore, of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere.            If present day emissions of greenhouse gases continue, it is estimated that the rate of increase in global mean temperatures will reach about 0.3o C per decade. This will mean a likely increase of 1o C above the present level by the year 2025, and 3o C before the end of the next century. Resolution            a.) Recycling and Reuse of Solid Wastes            Solid wastes are now viewed as a potential resource which must be recovered and reused whenever possible. Since disposal forest resources are rapidly being depleted, recycling solid wastes offer a solution to both.            Consider the element phosphorus. Mined from phosphate ores, it is manufactured into fertilizers. It enters the plant tissues and we obtain it when we eat plant as vegetable. This is later excreted and joins the sewage system. The sewage system sludge can be used directly as fertilizer or soil conditioner.            Used bottles can be used over and over again. Durable plastic containers can be saved for more household uses. Tires can be recapped and used again. Old clothing materials are used as kitchen towels and bags (see Environment Matters: Industry’s Guide to the Issues, the Challenges and the Solutions, 1999).            If the materials cannot be used over several times, then they can be shredded and converted into a new form. Old newspapers are repulped into new paper. Broken glasses are ground and manufactured into new ones. Tires are processed to raw rubber. Protein leftovers are manufactured into animal feeds.            b.) Conserving our Forests            Every now and then we receive alarming news about our forests being denuded. Big logging concessionaires indiscriminately cut down trees without undertaking reforestation measures. Without trees, the soil is loosened and rapid erosion occurs. As a result fertile topsoil is washed away, which makes growth of other forms of vegetation almost impossible. We suffer great loss of timber, wildlife, and other forest products. But the greatest danger is the occurrence of floods and global warming that cause losses of food, properties, and lives (Davidson, 1999). III. Conclusion            In conclusion,            of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere.            I can personally say that as a young individual, I should do something about it before it is too late and must not only depend on our government. Global warming may affect my health, if not resolved, and may take my life at risk if nature starts to avenge of what people doing. I need to recycle and reuse my solid wastes and encourage everyone to conserve our forests by not cutting down trees without undertaking reforestation measures. In addition, burning of fuel must be avoided because it can contribute to the possibility of having a global warming. Â
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Are Cell Phones Dangerous? Essay
Ninety-one percent of American adults and sixty percent of teens own this device that has revolutionized communication in the 21st century  the cellphone. While cell phones provide an efficient and easy way to communicate with friends, family, and co-workers, excessive use can take a toll on your health. Twenty-three percent of auto collisions involved cell phones last year, that’s a little more than one million crashes. Also, leading scientists are saying that cell phones can cause vision problems and can lead to headaches and unnecessary stresses. I’m not saying cell phones are bad, I just think the time used on cell phones should be moderated. Psychologists from the University of Utah have published a study showing that drivers who just operate a cell phone are as impaired as drunken drivers. Drunken drivers really aren’t as accident-prone as cell phone drivers, there are just more drivers talking on the phone rather than drinking alcohol. Cell phone use is far from the only distraction for motorists. The researchers cite talking to passengers, eating, drinking, lighting cigarettes, applying makeup and listening to the radio as the â€Å"old standards†of driver distraction. I don’t think we shouldn’t use cell phones, I just think that it’s important for people to know how much damage it’s causing. Driving isn’t the only problem that cell phones are tied to. Many adults have been complaining that their teenager is never looking up, and glued to their cell phone every hour of the day. In general, smartphone ownership is up, as well, with thirty-seven percent of American youth owning a smartphone compared to twenty-three percent in 2011. That doesn’t seem like a big deal honestly, but it has been proven that children with cell phone addiction have caused more parental concern. Parents want to be able to monitor and ensure safety for their kids, and cell phones make it much more difficult with the accessibility to almost anything or anybody. This issue really is up to the parent’s choices, whether or not they want to restrict their children’s access to the phones. Top doctors in the United States such as Dr. Oz have been raving about the increase in patients losing vision. This is called CVS symptom. The eye’s natural focal point is about 20 feet in front of the face. However, most people hold their cell phone 1-2 feet in front of their face. When this occurs, your eye is over-compensating to focus on the screen. The screen on your cell phone is not a normal object for your eyes to focus on, and this is causing loss of vision over time. The first symptoms of this are dry eyes and headaches. We all know that people can’t and shouldn’t just stop using cell phones all together, that’s just insane. What leading doctors recommend is to use your phone no longer than 10 minutes without taking a break for at least 30 seconds. Also, when in doubt, blink it out. If your head starts hurting, or eyes become dry, blink rapidly to try to create more lubrication in your eye, or if you have eyedrops that would be helpful too. As I mentioned before, I’m not against cell phones, I use my cell phone all the time for various tasks. I just think it’s important to know the side-effects and problems that relate to owning a cell phone. Every issue stated above can be resolved, it just takes moderation and responsibility when using these devices.
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