Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Issues and results of the second Vatican council Essay
Issues and results of the second Vatican council - Essay Example It opened under Pope John XXIII in 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI in 1965. It was a response to the changing culture of the post World War II world and a call to the spiritual renewal of the church. Even after all these years, the results of Vatican II continue to be debated and it has its supporters and its critics. It remains a bone of contention for theologians and Catholics, as it is subject to various interpretations. Traditionalists see Vatican II as a departure from the earlier beliefs and practices of the church and condemn the break with the past. Supporters see it as a step in the right direction and as a much-needed move to bring the church in step with the modern world. The opposing positions show that â€Å"Its champions, in many cases, see it as having liberated Catholics from a long night of oppression, thus restoring to the people of God their rightful liberties. Its detractors blame it for shattering the unity and order of the church and introducing an era of co ntestation and doubt†(Dulles, 2003). However, whatever may be the stand taken, it cannot be denied that Vatican II ushered in a new era in the history of the Church and has far-reaching implications for practicing Catholics today. ... It can be seen as the decision of the Church to â€Å"throw in their lot with all the forces making for humanization and progress†(Dulles, 2003). As O’Malley (2003) points out, the language used by Vatican II is a marked departure from that of earlier Church canons. It rejects the authoritarian, judgmental style of the past for a speaking style which conforms to contemporary communication. By opening channels of communication with all people, including non-believers, Vatican II ensures that the Church retains its relevance as a political and religious force to be reckoned with in today’s multicultural, diverse society. A refusal to engage in dialogue would result is a fortress-like mentality and effectively isolate the Church from the affairs of the world. Such isolation would definitely be â€Å"to the detriment of the church's mission†(Dulles, 2003). Vatican II attempts to see that its message â€Å"is extended and broadened to the entire world†(Pope Paul VI Closing Speech, 1965). By proclaiming its readiness to enter into a dialogue, and remain open to diverse viewpoints, Vatican II ensures that the Church can be a legitimate participant in international deliberations and contribute to finding solutions to the problems which beset the world. The purpose of the dialogue is to express the Church’s solidarity with all men, including non-believers. This objective of Vatican II is reiterated by Pope Francis in his recent address to the Diplomatic Corps, in which he expresses his wish that dialogue will help â€Å"to build bridges connecting all people†(Pope Francis, 2013). Pope Francis’ â€Å"embrace of the world†is a true reflection of the spirit of Vatican
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages of Learning Organization
Advantages of Learning Organization Due to impacts of the international financial crisis and the notable slowdown of the economy, Bank co has encountered more challenges. Accordingly, Bank co is transforming from an operational company to a sales-oriented one, in a bid to enhance their competitiveness. As the customer services centers are established and original branch institutes are shut down, the structure change influences 7 percent of the workforce. The board doesnt think a young management can handle the shift and further reforms; therefore, a great emphasis is put on staff learning approaches. As the staff capabilities are core resource to an organizations competitive advantage, all the management focuses on the planning and implementing of strategies. This essay not only elaborates Bank cos successful integration its HRM strategy with the overall business strategy, but also discusses the problems in the policy implementation. Some coherent solutions for these problems are also discussed in this essay. 2.0 Bank cos Objective as a Learning Organization 2.1 Definition of Learning Organization Peter (1990) proposed that any organizational thought a learning organization can be conducted by teams led by managers that facilitate a communication that values reflective thought, new patterns of thinking and a suspension of assumptions. In generally speaking, a learning organization has the following characteristics. First, the staff has a shared vision as their daily guideline and considers all organizational processes, functions, activities, and interactions with the overall environment as a member of the system. Second, each staff can air their own opinions to each other without fear of criticism or punishment. Third, staff sacrifices their personal self-interest and integrates department interest to cooperate to achieve the organizations shared vision. 2.2 Advantages of Learning Organization Brandt (2003) proposed that a learning organization is just like a school, a flexible and responsive organization should change in accord with changing circumstances. A learning organization has the following advantages. First, learning organization can promote continuous improvement. Whether project outcomes satisfy customers needs or not relies on how managers assess and narrow the gap between the two. Levine (2001) found that improve managers concentration span to organizational learning is a great potential to establish cooperation and continuous improvement that promote organizational performance. Second, learning organization can promote innovation. Although this statement is obviously true, but there is no quantitative study based on parallels between the characteristics of learning organization and the statement in literature that supports innovation and employee creativity can improve the performance of learning organization (Ramous and Steger, 2000). Third, learning organiz ation can foster community building. As learning community can break through stereotype routines and cultivate effective learning environment. Digenetic (1998) claimed that a learning community should be a mechanism for creating the learning organization. 2.3 Evaluation of Bank cos Objective With the financial crisis wreaking havoc on nations across all continents, the sense of living in a globalized age has become more acute. To cope with profound changes, Bank co made a strategic shift which focuses on four main units. First, human resource planning is long-term programs of Bank co. Due to the resignation of skilled and veteran managers, Bank co supports staff development by offering investment of  ¿Ã‚ ¡17 million. It allocates about 25,000 training days for the staff each year. The training and development (TD) department has finished the training programs for more than 5,600 managers until nowadays. And the training programs coherently focus on five units, such as, resourcing and development, HR quality, training design and delivery, equal opportunities and residential training. Second, training and development should be implemented to management staffs at all levels. Since a survey indicates that 60% employees considered that the training programs are just attending courses, the TD department decided to implement a wider range of flexible training methods, such as, self-directed learning, coaching, job rotation, secondments, etc. As a result, staff at all levels start to self-study in learning resource center without the reliance on training courses. Their hobbies and interests have been explored by a large margin. Thats to say, Bank co cultivates a learning atmosphere within the company, and ushers staff to take the responsibility of self-development. Third, employee relations are another focus of Bankco. The employee relations are cooperative instead of competitive, because staff at all levels share the same goal of the organization. It coincides with the policy of a harmonious society. It is an opportunity for staff to realize themselves, while it is a challenge for the managers who provide opportunities within which the staff can learn and develop. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is the highest need on the pyramid of needs, self-actualization must produce an attraction and stimulant for staff to find themselves (Maslow, 2008). Fourth, personnel operation is important. As HR department had considerable power, Bank co established a belief that a learning organization would remain competitive and successful. The shift causes an unprecedented series of efforts and initiatives intended to learn from diverse source, because the line managers are responsible for ensuring that proper action will be good for individuals who keep a partnership with their mangers. During the establishment of learning organization, Bankco has achieved good financial performance as a reward. 2.4 The Achievement of Learning Shift The shift from being operational to becoming sales oriented has brought significant changes in the performance of Bank co. First, as a learning organization, Bankco retains knowledge workers. Bank cos shift causes some of middle-aged managers to leave, when the company is in desperate need of talent to rebuild itself. Therefore, the management had to give top priority to learning programs to cultivate talent as fast as possible. Second, the learning center collects public recording which is unobtrusive and useful in the execution of decision-making and work process. The data on management and information about staff behaviors to certain jobs are useful for researches to analyze Bank cos operation and set down the appropriate management policies. As learning is applied to innovate or modify individual dispositions, processes, policies, and procedures, the staff can further develop their interests and hobbies, Bankco can improve its management experience as well. 5.0 Conclusion In our uncertain world, the only thing that appears to be certain is that social computer-base communication technologies are rapidly becoming online hot spots and changing the way we communicate and information. It is convenient to express social relationships on the IM and blog through links and comments. But we should take advantage of these technologies and overcome their challenges. The best approach is to develop good habits to use computer-based communication technologies, even the link is from friends, they need verify to friends again.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Marriage and Family Therapy Essay -- Counseling
Marriage and Family Counseling: An Overview History and Development The field of marriage and family therapy is the youngest of all the fields of science. Physical science is the oldest, then the social sciences and then the fields of marital and family therapy (Olson, 1970). David Olson (1970) describes marital and family therapy as fraternal twins, with marital therapy being just slightly older than family therapy. Clinicians began showing an interest in the relationships between husbands and wives in the early 1930’s. Some of the main catalysts to the growth and development of family therapy was the establishment of training programs such as the Marriage Consultation Center in New York (1929), the Marriage Council of Philadelphia in 1932 and the founding of the American Institute of Family Relations in 1939 (Olson, 1970). In 1942, the American Association of Marriage Counselors (AAMC) was organized to help facilitate the development of this growing profession of marital therapy (Olson, 1970). The fields of marriage and family therapy were born around the same time and developed along similar lines but were developed because of different needs. Marital therapy began because of the need to help improve the relationship between husbands and wives. Family therapy came along later as therapist began to realize that treating the family as a system was more effective than focusing on one individual in the family unit (Olson, 1970). In 1970, the AAMC changed their name to the American Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (AAMFC) to include family therapist (Olson, 1970). Although, marriage and family therapy is considered a young discipline, it is recognized as one of the five core mental health professions (AAMFT, 201... ...ilies, 16(3), 258-260. International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (2011). IAMFC ethical codes. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from http://www.iamfconline.com/PDFs/Ethical%20Codes.pdf Jencius, M., & Duba, J. D. (2002). Creating a multicultural family practice. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 10(4), 410-414. Murdock, N. L. (2009). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A case approach (2nd ed.). Olson, D. H. (1970). Marital and family therapy: Integrative review and critique. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 32(4), 501-538. Smith, R. L., & Stevens-Smith, P. (1992). Basic techniques in marriage and family counseling and therapy. Retrieved May 7, 2012 from ERIC (ED350526). Sporakowski, M. J. (1995). Assessment and diagnosis in marriage and family counseling. Journal of Counseling Development, 74(1), 60-64. Marriage and Family Therapy Essay -- Counseling Marriage and Family Counseling: An Overview History and Development The field of marriage and family therapy is the youngest of all the fields of science. Physical science is the oldest, then the social sciences and then the fields of marital and family therapy (Olson, 1970). David Olson (1970) describes marital and family therapy as fraternal twins, with marital therapy being just slightly older than family therapy. Clinicians began showing an interest in the relationships between husbands and wives in the early 1930’s. Some of the main catalysts to the growth and development of family therapy was the establishment of training programs such as the Marriage Consultation Center in New York (1929), the Marriage Council of Philadelphia in 1932 and the founding of the American Institute of Family Relations in 1939 (Olson, 1970). In 1942, the American Association of Marriage Counselors (AAMC) was organized to help facilitate the development of this growing profession of marital therapy (Olson, 1970). The fields of marriage and family therapy were born around the same time and developed along similar lines but were developed because of different needs. Marital therapy began because of the need to help improve the relationship between husbands and wives. Family therapy came along later as therapist began to realize that treating the family as a system was more effective than focusing on one individual in the family unit (Olson, 1970). In 1970, the AAMC changed their name to the American Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (AAMFC) to include family therapist (Olson, 1970). Although, marriage and family therapy is considered a young discipline, it is recognized as one of the five core mental health professions (AAMFT, 201... ...ilies, 16(3), 258-260. International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (2011). IAMFC ethical codes. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from http://www.iamfconline.com/PDFs/Ethical%20Codes.pdf Jencius, M., & Duba, J. D. (2002). Creating a multicultural family practice. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 10(4), 410-414. Murdock, N. L. (2009). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A case approach (2nd ed.). Olson, D. H. (1970). Marital and family therapy: Integrative review and critique. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 32(4), 501-538. Smith, R. L., & Stevens-Smith, P. (1992). Basic techniques in marriage and family counseling and therapy. Retrieved May 7, 2012 from ERIC (ED350526). Sporakowski, M. J. (1995). Assessment and diagnosis in marriage and family counseling. Journal of Counseling Development, 74(1), 60-64.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Nuclear Bomb
The invention of nuclear bomb has been one of the most significant events in the history of humanity. It not only changed the conduct of military warfare, but also completely transformed the geo-political equation by placing humanity’s level of control on its own future through coming in possession of such omni potent means that could wipe out every form of life from earth overnight. The memories of the atomic attack on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki have lived as a constant reminder of the supreme havoc that atomic bombs can inflict. These memories are reinforced further by the repeated instances of nuclear testing and research into the production of atomic weapons that are much more powerful and lethal in comparison of their predecessors. The pursuance of the research into atomic and nuclear weapons, or the weapons of mass destruction, has created a deep ideological and political divide in the world. On the one hand are people supporting nuclear weapons, arguing them as essential tools to maintain prospects of global peace and also as means to ensure the safety of nations possessing them. While on the other side are people, who see nuclear weapons inherently as a threat to the survival of mankind and campaigning for a world without fear and apprehensions; for a world of the post nuclear age where the veil of the threat of an impending catastrophe is forever lifted over. This paper shall look into the debate on the nuclear policy and relevance of nuclear weapons as a medium to ensure global peace, while critically evaluating the arguments presented on both the sides. It shall also look into the prospects of a nuclear free world and the visions such world entails for humanity. Constructing a nuclear doctrine The debate on the feasibility and utility of nuclear weapons has raged since the day the first military use of nuclear weapons was reported on 6th August, 2006 (Katz, 1987). The standard argument of the advocates of nuclear doctrine have centered on the deterrent effect of the nuclear weapons against any potential attack or threat of aggression (Franklin, 1991). One of the most frequently cited example is that of role played by nuclear weapons in bringing a swift end to the Second World War, with minimum possible casualty in the process (Graham, 2005). They validly argue that without the strikes, Japan would have continued to fight till the last man down, taking up the number of casualties on both sides as well as war expenditures to enormous levels (Franklin, 1991). Since then, the nuclear doctrine has been religiously incorporated in the defense strategy of every major nation, with immense literature created to cite the absolutely necessity and inevitability of nuclear weapons as the only possibly way to ensure global peace and a war free world (Franklin, 1991). Post the end of the Cold War proponents of the nuclear policy have further argued the necessity of effective nuclear policy, especially in the view of the dangers posted by spilling of nuclear weapons in the hands of some of the non responsible nations (Graham, 2005). However, the doctrine of nuclear deterrence has been severely arraigned by the critics for its short comings and narrow visions that it take of subtlety of world geo-politics and the overly simplistic way in which it treats the question of deterrence and global peace (Gottemoeller, 2002 ). Nuclear policy and the race on building up nuclear arsenal have been criticized from ethical, moral, political, practical and strategic point of view over more than half a century, especially in the context of the modern history of humanity that has been torn apart by unimaginable horrors of wars and genocide in the 20th century (Muller, 2004). Thinkers, intellectuals and scientists and many military strategists have strongly argued for a nuclear free world, based on the strong premises that peace is impossible to achieve from those tools that have capacity to utterly destroy life (Cimbala and Scouras, 2002; Cortright, 1999). Their argument is persuasive to reason as it is ironical as a concept and theory to achieve peace by destruction. The only probable way by which nuclear weapons can bring peace is through complete annihilation of people, creating a world where no life would exists to conflict and compete. Even the history of the post nuclear world does not inspire any confidence in the effectiveness of nuclear weapons as a deterrent (Graham, 2005). In more than sixty years after the end of Second World War, innumerable conflicts and at least three wars of international proportion, involving nations equipped with nuclear power have belied the theory that nuclear weapons can act as any potential deterrent to wars (Cimbala and Scouras, 2002). It only creates a danger in escalation of threats of nuclear arm race, where nations without nuclear weapons are trying to possess these coveted means of mass destruction, to create a world of nuclear mutual self destruction (Franklin, 2002). It’s a fact that technology can not be limited as a prerogative to a limited number of nations, as the this dangerous technology spreads out, there are every possible chances that it can be utilized by at some point of time, by some irresponsible and unaccountable regime to create a havoc of unparalleled magnitude (Muller, 2004). The theory of nuclear deterrence also looses its credibility in the face of rise of terrorism as the new danger facing the new world (Graham, 2005). Nuclear deterrence did not act as any deterrent to the attack on the World Trade Centers in 2001, or in London bombing in 2006. On the contrary they create a new and infinitely more powerful threat where possible proliferation of nuclear weapons to terrorist groups can jeopardize the entire concept of national defense strategies of many nations. Conclusion Nuclear weapons can not act as means to achieve global peace. They are weapons of mass destruction, weapons that can kill hundred of thousands of people instantly, razing civilizations to dust, leaving behind death and a scarred earth that would be inhabitable for many generations. This trail of death can not be a harbinger of peace. Global peace can only be achieved by systematic end of nuclear arsenals, and strictly banning the research, testing and possession of nuclear weapons. Reference H. Bruce Franklin. 1991.The Nightmare Considered: Critical Essays on Nuclear War Literature.: Nancy Anisfield – editor. Bowling Green State University Popular Press. Bowling Green, OH. Gottemoeller. Rose. 2002. Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Time for Control. Taina Susiluoto – editor. United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. Place of Publication: Geneva. Milton S. Katz. 1987. Ban the Bomb: A History of SANE, the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy. Praeger. New York. Richard R. Muller. 2004. Getting Mad: A Nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction, Its Origins and Practice. Henry D. Sokolski – editor. Strategic Studies Institute. Carlisle Barracks, PA. Stephen J. Cimbala and Scouras, J. 2002. A New Nuclear Century: Strategic Stability and Arms Control. Praeger. Westport, CT. Thomas Graham Jr. 2005. Sixty Years After Hiroshima, A Nuclear Era. Current History. Research Library Core. David Cortright. 1999. Ban the Bomb. Sojourner. Humanities Module. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Understanding Satire Worksheet Essay
Part A: Twain and McCullough Provide supporting evidence from the texts to support your responses to these questions. All answers should be in the form of complete sentences. 1. What is the issue Twain is satirizing? That children blindly follow tradition and don’t think for themselves. 2. What techniques does Twain use to create his satire? sarcasm, so that he can assume the role of an elder in society 3. What is the issue McCullough is satirizing? The fact that all children are pampered and are not truly special in any way. 4. What techniques does McCullough use to create his satire? He uses wit to explain what makes something special. 5. How effectively do the techniques used communicate Twain’s position? It effectively allows Twain to create a different persona makes his statement more agreeable 6. How effectively do the techniques used communicate McCullough’s position? They work well because it allows him to explain that if everyone is special then nobody is. 7. How are the messages communicated by Twain and McCullough similar? They are both trying to make a point to the same type of audience and because of this they take a similar approach by explaining how and what they have been taught. 8. Which message could you relate to more? Explain why in a minimum of three sentences. I think I could relate to McCullough’s argument because I feel like I have always shared his point of view and got annoyed when my parents would treat my siblings like they were one of a kind and so special when it that was far from the truth. Look more: satire mark twain essay Part B: Search for Satire Use the guided analysis exercises within the lesson as a model for this part of the assignment. 1. Locate an example of satire. Copy and paste it here, making sure to note the source where you found it in a proper citation. Writethinker, Feb 25, 2013. 2. What is human institution or human weakness is being satirized in this piece? The way our society values athletes who work for entertainment versus people who have more important jobs. 3. Identify and explain the types of humor devices used to create the satire. It is reversing the roles of a low paying government worker and an extremely overpaid athlete. This is a form of irony 4. How effectively do the techniques used communicate the creator’s position? They communicate the point well because it uses syntax in a way that makes being an athlete sound like a very overrated practice. 5. Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the satire. Explain your reasoning in a minimum of three sentences. The satire is very effective. This form of satire uses irony to reverse the roles of two professions. The reason this is effective is because it makes the viewer think about what the two roles actually do and whether or not they deserve the pay they get.
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